Sunday, October 18, 2009

About the Candidate

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

Since mid June, after filing as a candidate for the Frederick County School Board from the Red Bud District, I have visited with folks on about 100 neighborhood streets. As I have visited with voters in the Red Bud District neighborhoods, several questions have been asked.

How long have you lived here?” I moved to the Winchester/Frederick County area in 1974 to teach Kindergarten at John Kerr. While a single teacher, I met my husband when I was moving into an apartment on Williamson Road (he lived across the hall – very romantic). We were married in 1978, and have lived for over 30 years in the Red Bud District. All of our children attended Frederick County Schools.
What is your educational background?” I have a Bachelors Degree from the University of Maryland in Early Childhood Education and a Masters Degree from James Madison University in Early Childhood Special Education. I have extensive coursework in the field of Autism, and have taught many students who were on the Autistic Spectrum.
Where did you teach?” After graduating from college, I taught in Garrett County, Maryland and then worked in the DC area as a secretary in an insurance agency and law firm. I taught Kindergarten at John Kerr, taught 4 & 5 year olds at First Presbyterian’s Weekday School, was the Educational Coordinator for the Migrant Head Start Program, and completed my teaching career as an Early Childhood Special Educator with NREP.
Have you served in leadership positions?” I was Vice President and President of our local professional organization, the Frederick County Education Association which had over 800 local members from all areas of our education community including teachers, bus drivers, and support staff. While President, I met with members, administrators, and the School Board. I attended all School Board Meetings and had input on salary and budget issues. While President, FCEA adopted Senseny Road in the Adopt a Highway Program.
What are you doing now?” I retired from teaching after the 07-08 school year. Since retiring, I have continued to be involved with local children and families. I volunteer at the Free Medical Clinic, Healthy Families, and help with Children’s Choir at my Church. Last year I volunteered at NREP, and worked with a child who needed special help.
What do you see as the greatest needs for the Frederick County School System?” It is important to continue having an excellent academic climate in our schools where students are challenged and successful in their learning. Appropriate class size, adequate salaries, and skilled professionals are all critical to having the system function well. I am also a proponent of Full Day Kindergarten both for benefits to local families and to students who would have time to learn in a more natural and less stressed manner.
How can the citizens of Red Bud help?” Citizens can help in two ways: first, each family can make volunteering in their child’s school a priority. Second, please vote on November 3. Vote for Peggy Clark
your neighbor, a trusted community leader, and local educator for the past 30 years.