Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Picnic for Creigh Deeds

I was honored to be invited to a picnic at the home of my friends Donna and Dickie Dick in Frederick County on August 11. The purpose of the picnic was to give an opportunity to meet and hear from the Democratic candidate for Governor, Creigh Deeds. I had met Creigh a few years ago, and was very impressed with his caring manner and his obvious love of the Commonwealth of Virginia.

His speech last night reflected his understanding and commitment to education issues. I was thrilled to hear that he shares Governor Kaine's passion for preschool education. Over the last 30 years, I have seen firsthand what a need there is in Virginia, and particularly in Frederick County for quality preschool education for our children. Creigh Deeds is also a strong supporter of increased funding of K-12 public education, and salaries for teachers that keep up with our neighboring states.

I had a brief opportunity to share my views with our candidate for Governor. I was also introduced to the assembled crowd as a candidate for the Frederick County School Board. It was an honor to be recognised at that fine occasion.

Peggy Clark
Candidate for Frederick County School Board
Red Bud District

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