Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Promise of a New School Year

August 26, 2009 - Opening Day of School for Greenwood Mill Elementary School!
August 2009
The start of a new school year always holds such promise! This year the Red Bud District has two new school environments that have opened, which provide new opportunities to our children.

Senseny Road School will now be home to all of NREP (Northwestern Regional Education Program) and several Head Start classrooms. This will mean that our regional special education programs will now all be under one roof. This will cut down on a huge amount of travel time for staff who served students both in the Early Childhood Program and the Severe Disability or Emotional Disability Programs. A benefit to the students will be a facility where all of their needs can be met in a single building.

Greenwood Mill Elementary also opened it's doors to students today. It is a larger school than some of our older elementary buildings, with a beautiful campus set among several of the newer Frederick County neighborhoods. The intention is for Greenwood Mill to be a neighborhood school, where many children can walk or ride bikes to and from school.

I have been campaigning for the Red Bud Seat on the Frederick County School Board. As I have traveled through the Red Bud neighborhoods, I have picked up on the excitement about the new opportunities for our children as we begin this school year. It is a year full of promise for great things, but also some anxieties because of the economy and some changes. Please continue to share your views with me, so that after the elections (if I am priviledged to gain your votes and win), I will be able to represent our families and children in the best possible way.

I am looking forward to a very promising year for our schools. To contact me, please e-mail me at:
Peggy Clark